Permaculture Benefits and its importance


Permaculture taught us about nature, the use of nature, and environmental ethics. It is not necessary to be organic farmers to work in favor of nature, such as Agroecology vs. Monoculture. But the philosophy of permanent culture, or Permaculture Sunshine Coast, goes far beyond agriculture. It shows caring for the land, and people can be the main engine in all areas of life.

Some principles of permaculture:

Observe and interact

Integrate instead of segregate

Value the richness of diversity

Make connections

Respond to changes creatively to regenerate the system

Permaculture and education

Permaculture has normally been focused on agriculture and the design of sustainable environments. The design process can be applied with equal success to social models. A new relationship is established between agriculture and Permaculture Education Australia.




Alternative pedagogies are increasingly accepted. Other questions are beginning to emerge: how to approach secondary school from the perspective of free education is a problem that more parents are considering.

What is the true use of computing in education? Are tablets the only thing that this science can contribute?

The volume of existing information makes classroom programs constantly saturated. This is due to linear learning Permaculture Education instead of one based on organic patterns, by observation of nature.

Ten good reasons to learn permaculture

You should enroll for a permaculture course in Australia with families or friends and enjoy nature while learning to grow food and live in a more resilient way. The course will guide you on how to sustain our culture.

The reasons to learn Permaculture Design Course are:

Know about Design and plan your garden

Locations and orientations, microclimates, adequate dimensions, types of terraces, biodiversity spaces, types of irrigation and water use

Know your soil and improve it

Identify your substrate, manage green manures, types of compost, use efficient microorganisms and prepared with plants, experience vermiculture and increase organic matter

Work less and get performance

Covers and mulches, chicken tractors, perennial vegetables, natural fertilizers, animals, and associations under Permaculture Consultant guidance.

Control pests and learn from them

Learn how to control Allies in the garden, habitats for predators, associations and natural barriers,

Seek plant cooperation

Flowers, associations, and guilds to create robust and healthy ecosystems. Improves soil quality and nutrient supply in a natural and cooperative way.

Establish edible forests

Take advantage of the different strata, plan your production, get rid of the wind, mulch, and care of the fruit trees and capture as much water as possible using the keyline.

Get more out of animals

Double yard chicken coops, chicken tractors, use of ducks and rabbits, large livestock to create soil through holistic management, need for bees and other insects

Design intensively

Types of terraces and techniques to increase the cultivation surface; sectors, slopes, and areas to create productive spaces

Get to know permaculture

Learn history, ethics, and principles of the most productive and environmentally friendly design system with the help of Permaculture Teacher  

Reproduce and multiply plants

Ancient varieties, seed collection, cuttings, and natural rooting hormones.

Created: 29/07/2020 14:03:21
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