Beagle is a breed of dog which originated in United Kindom and mostly used for hunting hare, considering the dog's strong scent. It's a medium-sized dog breed that stands approximately 13-16 inches in height, and weighs between 20 and 24 pounds. The life expectancy of a Beagle is between 12 and 15 years. Check out my list of essential things to be aware of when owning a Beagle to ensure that your family, your dog and your neighbors content.

You need time and patience to potty learn to train a Beagle
While these dogs are fast learners, the process of learning to potty won't be a quick process. Beagles need time to master the art of learning to ask for help outside. Don't expect them to learn this all at once.

Potty training should begin around 8 weeks of age. To avoid setbacks, you need to keep training your dog up to 10-12 months old. Crates are a valuable tool for many Beagle owners, particularly in the first two years.

The Inspector Beagle will always find a way to get inside the home
Beagles are intelligent and interested. This can make them dangersome if they visit areas you'd rather not be in. The training of boundaries is a great method of setting some boundaries however, as Beagles are nose-driven (they'll follow scents regardless of the situation) You shouldn't trust your dog's ability to remain away from the prohibited areas of your home.

Your dog will need to be close at your side every day
It's common for a Beagle to allow herself to be lured by a fascinating scent outside the yard. To stop your dog from running away it is necessary to have a large enclosure with a sturdy base. These dogs are good in digging and climbing, so take all precautions before leaving your Beagle outside on its own.

Thieves are yet another reason a Beagle should not wander around in their own. These dogs are friendly with all people, which makes them pretty easy to steal. You should never leave such a dog unattended in an open area. If you bring your dog to the park, make sure that she's walking on a leash.

Another reason to always ensure that your dog is leashed while out in the open is that Beagles might not be responsive to their owners' calls due to their involvement in "hunting". Although obedience training can assist in stopping this behavior, it's possible that they will be more responsive to your commands than they are to your commands.

All playtime is here
They are energetic and love to play which is why they are a fantastic option for families with kids of any age. This means you have to be on top of your dog's fitness requirements. You should take her for a 30 minute stroll once or twice per day, and take time to play outside at least four or five times during the week.

These dogs are often called "a nose on four legs" and are part of the hound group of the American Kennel Club. They need mental stimulation and love playing hunting games, where they can use their specific abilities.

You should have patient neighbors
A Beagle is an extremely small dog that can be housed with enough exercise. But, your dog may be a major problem if you do not devote enough time and energy to her. Beagles can make a lot of noise. Some owners say they are bored. But there are three distinct barks heard from the dogs, each having its own significance.

Regular barking is what they use to warn you that someone is approaching.
yowl - used when they've chosen a scent that is interesting;
Howl is a way to express sadness or boredom.

Excessive barking can be controlled by training, however your dog will continue to communicate using her natural talent to communicate.

It is essential to find a serious breeder
Beagles are playful, funny and smart, however they're also independent , and occasionally stubborn. Additionally, they're susceptible to a variety of genetic health conditions, so you should get an adult dog from a trusted breeder, who can provide the details of her parents.

Beagles make wonderful family pets and get along well with children. However, they can be noisy, hard to housebreak, and very active. You need to dedicate a lot of time for dog care, so If you're always on the go and almost never in your home, the Beagle is not the right pet for you.

Created: 29/06/2022 08:38:16
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