With the announcement of the next WoW expansion - Battle for Azeroth, a lot of players find themselves looking for stronger guilds or following their friends to other realms. Along with THEARTOFKEREMBEYIT.COM , arises the question of how to transfer WoW gold between servers.

Despite the gold limit for character transfers being increased to 250.000, a lot of players have way more than that and aren’t willing to spend that much money to transfer all of their alts. Thus, in this guide, I’ll cover the easiest way on how to transfer WoW gold, without even transferring as much as one character!

Requirements to Transfer WoW Gold
How to Transfer WoW Gold
Useful resources for properly selling pets
Important Notes

Requirements to Transfer WoW Gold

Let’s say you want to follow your friends to a different realm and start a character from scratch, but you want to move your gold to that server. Well, the way you can do that is through Battle Pets.


If you have no current Battle Pet at level 25, you must complete the following steps, otherwise, you can skip to the next section.

- Learn the first rank (Basic) from the Pet Battle trainer;
- Hearthstone to your Garrison (requires level 3) and accept the Unearthed Magic quest from Lio the Lioness (Alliance) or Serr’ah (Horde);
- Complete the quest, and use the Ultimate Battle-Training Stone to instantly level any of your learned Battle Pets to 25.

Now, after you’ve “manually” leveled a pet to 25, you’ve unlocked the ability to directly purchase and learn level 25 pets from the Auction House, which is the most important step regarding how to transfer WoW gold!

How to Transfer WoW Gold

With everything else out of the way, all you need to do now is basically purchase level 25 Battle Pets from the Auction House, on the character with the gold you want to transfer.

Let’s say character X from server Ravencrest has 1 million gold, and you want that to be transferred to character Y from server Illidan.

- Purchase the Battle Pets on character X and learn them;
- Log in to your Y character;
- Go into Pet Journal (default Shift-P);
- Right click on them and select Put in Cage;
- Start selling them on the Auction House.

The most important step here is identifying the right pets to not only help you transfer WoW gold, but even make a profit from it! If you’re lucky enough, that 1 million gold from character X can even turn into 2 million gold on your Y character!

Created: 09/07/2022 13:05:47
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