Surya Roshni Ltd stands tall as one of the foremost and largest branded lighting manufacturers globally. With a legacy spanning several decades, Surya Roshni has become synonymous with excellence in the lighting industry. Founded in 1973, the company has evolved into a powerhouse, offering a comprehensive range of lighting solutions that cater to diverse needs.


At the forefront of Surya Roshni's success is its commitment to innovation and quality. The company has consistently embraced cutting-edge technologies to develop a vast array of lighting products for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Surya Roshni's product portfolio includes energy-efficient LED lighting, decorative luminaires, industrial lighting, and an extensive range of bulbs and tubes.


In the residential sector, Surya Roshni has become a household name, known for its aesthetically pleasing and energy-efficient lighting fixtures. Whether it's contemporary LED lighting or traditional designs, the company caters to a broad spectrum of consumer preferences.


In the commercial and industrial segments, Surya Roshni's offerings are tailored to enhance productivity and energy conservation. The company's industrial lighting solutions incorporate advanced technologies to meet the specific requirements of diverse manufacturing environments.


Sustainability is a key pillar of Surya Roshni's corporate ethos. The company actively embraces eco-friendly practices, focusing on energy-efficient designs and environmentally responsible manufacturing processes. This commitment aligns with global efforts to reduce the carbon footprint and promote sustainable business practices.


As a socially responsible entity, Surya Roshni engages in community development initiatives and philanthropic activities. This reflects the company's dedication to making a positive impact beyond its commercial endeavors.


In conclusion, Surya Roshni Ltd has rightfully earned its status as one of the largest branded lighting manufacturers globally. With a legacy of quality, innovation, and sustainability, the company continues to illuminate spaces and lives around the world, setting the standard for excellence in the lighting industry.

Created: 15/12/2023 07:19:34
Page views: 47