How To Make A Minecraft Server

You will need to have two things before you do anything. You will need both a decent Desktop and the Java Minecraft version. Without either of these items, making your own Minecraft server will become a very trying matter to accomplish. Other versions like the pocket edition or Bedrock will not be able to assist you in the creation of a Minecraft server, so make sure you have the proper hardware and software to proceed to the next step. The Java version of Minecraft can be downloaded here.

Download Minecraft

Step 2

Once you have verified that you have the right equipment, you can start for the next phase. After logging in, you will need to download Server.Jar.

Minecraft Server Download

You need not worry about the file being out of date as it is consistently updated with every new version of Minecraft that is released. To ensure that the file doesn't get deleted, but also so that it is available for the next step, make sure you create a folder.

Step 3

You will then take the chance to enter the folder that now holds your program and then run the main system. After you have accepted the agreement, open the eula.txt.file. Next, change the line eula=false into eula=true. After saving the changes, exit and run the main.jar file. This will allow you to see all the documents and txts files within it. You will now have your brand new Minecraft server. However, you won't be done yet.

Step 4

To create a file to properly launch your server, you are going to want to reenter your new folder and then create a new document and name it something that signals that it is a proper launch document. Once this is done, you will then want to click on the document and enter the following code below:

Java -Xms1024M -Xm1024 -jar server.jar pause

This coded command can be found in your document. It will allow you to increase the efficiency of the server by allowing you support the RAM with more memory and better gigabyte management.

Also a quick note, all files that you make in this folder, remember to tag on ".bat" at the end of the names for your files.

Try testing out your start_server button to test and see if the following steps you've taken are correct. Your new server should launch if you followed all the instructions. If not, make sure to check that you have correctly named your files.

Step 5

One of the most important steps you will take is one that you already know. Teen-time This familiar one is used every time you create a new Minecraft world in your base Minecraft games. You can modify the world of your Minecraft game by going to your server properties file.

This can be a setting for difficulty, maximum number of players or game mode. It could even include the name of your world. This section is for setting the world in which you want to play when you start your server.

Step 6

You will need to start your server before you can move on to the next step. Next, you will need to run Minecraft so you can access the multiplayer tab. As you will need it to give access to your server to other players, make sure you have your IP address. After that, you should not have any problems connecting to your server. Then you can enjoy the fruits your labor through your customized server.

Created: 16/08/2022 02:41:40
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