Sven Co-op Server Asset Pack v12.1
What's included:
Popular campaigns and maps
Player models
Server sounds

Please download and install the pack if it's you're first time joining or you haven't installed a pack since v11.

===== Tips & Tricks =====
While the above pack and Sven is all you need to have a great time in the game, the following advice will further augment and enhance the cooperative experience.

>>Custom Sprays<<
While there are many methods and tutorials to making custom sprays, the simplest I've found is using HL TagConverter and following these instructions:

>>Keybinds and Commands<<
Did you know you can set custom keybinds to quickly play chatsounds or change playermodels?
For example, going down the available keypad binds found in this guide
You can use a console command to set
bind "kp_enter" "say thanks"
to with the press of one button audibly thank your teammates for a revive. As long as it's in the .listsounds, bind whatever key you'd like to a "say XXX" command and it will instantly play that audio for you.

Or if you want to quickly switch models to an hgrunt by pressing * on your keypad,
bind "kp_mul" "model hgrunt"
or some T45 Power armor (assuming you have the above asset pack installed):
bind "kp_minus" "model GS_T45d_Bos"

Speaking of keybinds,

>>NPC Interaction Commands<<
In Options>Keyboard>NPC INTERACTION, there is a command to tell an NPC you've interacted with to move to a position.
Many maps deal with friendly NPCs, and having the Move to position command bound to a key can save minutes of frustration of getting an NPC to go where you'd like.
I don't believe it's bound by default, so find what key works best for you.

>>Mission/Map Briefings<<
When starting any map, it's easy to quickly click past the initial two screens, but I find taking the 30 seconds to read the quick mission briefing can add a lot of context to most maps.
Because without any context, Sven can often turn into a "run down a hall and shoot grunts/aliens, and get stuck in vents" simulator.
The mission briefings can also give hints on some of the more abstract maps. Give it a read!

>>Melee Moving<<
If a player has gone afk in a particularly narrow spot, you can move other players by hitting them with a crowbar and moving backwards, dragging them with you.

Created: 16/01/2021 17:14:04
Page views: 145