The Advantages and Drawbacks of Electric Examination Tables

Examination Table

Selecting the correct medical examination tables for your practice is no minor achievement. Preferably, you require tables that keep your patients relaxed while helping your staff do their job more professionally. An electric examination table made by Examination Table Manufacturers can be a good choice contingent on your practice’s requirements. 

Advantages of Electric Medical Examination Tables

Power exam tables can be effortlessly accustomed to the thrust of a key. These are a trickle of the assistances of this kind of treatment table:

Boost More Patients

One of the most significant rewards of power medical equipment is the aptitude to make height alterations. By dropping the table quicker to the ground, you can promptly make the table (and therefore your amenities) more available to different patients. This comprises:

  • Bariatric patients
  • Persons with incapacities
  • The aging

The ADA National Network clarified that examination tables used in most doctors’ offices are characteristically designed at a fixed stature of 32 inches. This stature makes autonomous transfer problematic (or unbearable) for many people with mobility incapacities. Power equipment, like chairs, permits for a lowered fixed height to make transmissions conceivable.

The aptitude to make exact height changes also authorizes physicians to make alterations founded on their size and that of the patient. This makes everybody more contented during the examination.

Take More Precise Vitals

Taking vitals is an essential part of approximately every visit to a medical office. Though, the way patients sit can affect the correctness of the consequences, particularly when it comes to their blood pressure.

The American Heart Association endorses that patients getting their blood pressure taken must sit with their back straight and supported. Most prominently, their feet must be flat on the floor and their legs must not be crossed. Their arm must be maintained on a flat surface with the higher arm at heart level.

Without ensuring these phases, your blood pressure results may be improper. A characteristic, flat medical exam table with a paper distributor often doesn’t permit a patient to sit securely with their feet flat as a power medical table can.

Informal to Clean

Power exam tables are astonishingly informal to clean. Many are planned with a flat white (or other colored) surface that can be smeared down and sanitized by your staff in minutes.

Progressive Knowhow

When your exam table is connected to a power supply, it opens up a wealth of opportunities to utilize other technology. Using this added technology can help your staff be more efficient and accurately treat more patients per hour.

Improved Safety

Power medical examination tables supplied by Examination Table Suppliers also come with cutting-edge security features. For example, tamper-resistant receptacles on both sides of the chair deliver a power connection for auxiliary devices. They are tamper-resistant to help stop damage for patients and caregivers alike.

Drawbacks of Electric Medical Examination Tables

As you can see, there are many assistances to having power medical tables in your examination room. There are truly only scarce disadvantages to this option:


Medical examination tables can cost a lot of money contingent on brand and functionality. Because power tables and chairs bid more functionality, they also tend to be more luxurious than your regular flat treatment table. Though, the aptitude to treat more patients and advance their quality of care is invaluable.


Because electric medical examination tables trust a power source, things like outages and power gushes can affect them. Comprehending how much power medical equipment your office can operate is a must.

It’s also vital to perform steady maintenance and updates on electric equipment to alleviate the need for upkeep. If your table does want to be fixed, make sure your staff knows who to call.

Created: 19/10/2022 07:04:32
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